‘Hercule Poirot delves back into the past and discovers that old sins leave long shadows.’

Welcome to yet another review of Hercule Poirot’s decoding of crime. As you already know the author of the book is none other than my favorite Agatha Christie.

Now without further adieu let’s jump directly into the review.

As the title suggests let me break the bubble that this book has no elephants in it but an old memory surfaces and just like an elephant, certain memories stay etched in our minds.
When Mrs. Oliver( a writer I presume) goes to a luncheon that had invited all the great literary artists of the time, she meets with one Mrs. Burton Cox.

This lady approaches Mrs. Oliver with no particular warning and starts bombarding questions about her goddaughter Celia Ravenscroft who is going to marry her son.

The talks about her Goddaughter brought her a special warmth but all that vanished when Mrs. Burton Cox asked if Celia’s mother killed her father or vice versa!

This left Mrs. Oliver completely speechless and said she has no clue about this matter whatsoever. But even after the luncheon, this did not leave her mind and at once she went to visit her dear friend, our Belgian detective Hercule Poirot.

The events that follow after this is so twisted as it’s quite impossible to believe how can true love be a reason for a horrible crime.The book is good but not good enough compared to other Hercule Poirot books.

With that said I would like to add that if you ever get hold of this one, read it and do comment down about your thoughts about the book!

Rating : 3 out of 5 



  • Anastacia
    Posted at 02:59h, 03 September Reply

    Looks nice.

    • Keerthana
      Posted at 05:02h, 03 September Reply

      Thank you!

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